Dimple Bindra

You know, every time we come back from vacation, whether it’s the soulful vibes of a European cafe, the serene endlessness of the beach, or the exhilarating heights of mountain trails, we feel this incredible shift in our spirit. But why should that feeling only last as long as our vacation? Wanna disrupt that norm and bring that vacation glow right into our daily grind?

Creating vacation vibes at work can be a wonderful way to unwind and recharge without leaving your doorstep. But what exactly does it take to transform your work into a scenic place, and how can we make the most of it?

Can We Really Feel Vacay Vibes At Work?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can 🙂

Vacation vibes at work involve creating an environment that brings the relaxation and enjoyment of a getaway right into your working space. This could range from setting up a cozy reading nook to transforming your cubicle into a mini resort. I don’t mean changing your physical environment into a club lounge, but you can totally do that if you have your own office space. But if you are like most people on the planet, you are either working from a coworking space, or are stuck in a lifeless cubicle space at your office.

Sounds familiar?

One tip that I loved is by Ayse (Eye-Shay) Birsel Co-Founder of Birsel + Secksuggests that you can do breakfast meetings by finding a hotel near your work, a place you’d stay if you were visiting, that has a good breakfast vibe. For her, its The Breslin, at the Ace Hotel, NYC. She says “Meet people there. Then go to work”.

The Power Of Virtual Reality

Now lets get into my way of how “a few thoughtful touches in your headspace can turn your work into a sanctuary, allowing you to escape the daily grind without going anywhere.” This highlights the power of a well-designed inner virtual creative space—small adjustments can make a significant difference in your overall well-being. Through the power of visualization, you can transport yourself mentally to a vacation setting even while your boss is screaming his lungs out!

The impact of such changes can be profound, helping to reduce stress and increase happiness. Just FYI – When you visualize a scene in detail, your brain activates similar areas as if you were actually experiencing it, leading to a sense of presence in that imagined location.

  1. Close Your Eyes and Visualize your favorite vacation spot, let this space be some place close to nature – your favorite beach, in the woods or on top of a beautiful mountain. Best part is you can travel international without any passport to this virtual destination. Hehe!
  2. Now as you close your eyes, what ever is the first image that you get, just use that imagery and start feeling the sensations as if you are really there. This insight comes from your intuition. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures associated with your chosen location in as much detail as possible.
  3. Is it night or day? How is the weather? Feel the ground steady beneath you, and imagine a radiant golden rod emerging, connecting you to the earth’s nurturing energy, running from your head space all the way down till it touches your feet. This golden rod is your anchor so use it to ground your energy and connect your human body in your imagination to mother earth. Extend the golden rod’s length to at least 200 feet deep and wide below the surface of the earth, touching the center, earth’s core.
  4. Now expand the light from the center of your body to outside your body until you form a large circle around you. Keep expanding to 10 feet away from your physical body in all directions until your body is the center and you are in your own cocoon of golden light. What do you sense?
  5. Notice how does it feel and release all your stress and anxiety to the light, trusting that nature will take care of you and its there for you whenever you need it.
  6. Breathe and return to work if you feel like 🙂

See the image below for your reference.

Meditation is the bridge between your soul and stillness—a sacred pause where the chaos of work fades, and the essence of peace takes over.

More Ways To Use Vacay Vibes At WORK

  1. Digital Getaways: Use tech to your advantage. Apps can transport you to a rainforest or a night filled with stars with just a few clicks. When you need a quick escape, let virtual tours or nature apps whisk you away.
  2. Outdoor Oasis: Set up a lounge chairs in your office garden or balcony. Add string lights and potted plants to create a relaxing ambiance.
  3. Indoor Retreat: Create a cozy corner with soft pillows and blankets for whenever you take your tea or coffee breaks. Use scented candles or essential oils to bring a soothing aroma to your space.
  4. Spa Experience: Can you use your headphones while working? Transform your workday by listening to calming music. Schedule time for self-care rituals like facials, manicures, or long baths at the gym during your lunch hour.
  5. Planned Spontaneity: If you have the flexibility, just like you might plan a day exploring new sights on vacation, schedule unplanned time in your day. Take a break to do something totally different, and don’t even worry about feeling guilty about it.
  6. Culinary Delights: Experiment with new recipes or enjoy themed lunches inspired by your favorite travel destinations. Set the table with special dishes and décor to elevate the dining experience for yourself and your team mates.
  7. Imagine Your Happy Place: The sound of the waves? Bring the ocean at work with a sound machine or a playlist. Love the cafe culture? Create a nook at office with a great coffee machine, some local tunes, and decor that screams ‘Parisian chic’ or ‘Roman rustic’.
  8. Natural Healing and Connection: Nature provides healing, rejuvenation, and connection in abundance. If your spirit soars in the great outdoors, integrate nature walks or yoga into your work routine. Find your favorite nature spot and make it your go-to retreat for peace and rejuvenation. If you’re in the Bay Area, CA, I’d love to lead an onsite yoga class for you and your team. Not local? No problem—book a call with me, and we’ll bring the yoga experience to you, wherever you are!
  9. Visual Cues: Keep your adventures in your head with visual cues. Photos, artifacts, or even a screen saver can prompt your brain to relive those moments of freedom and exploration, keeping the vacation vibe alive and kicking.
  10. Trying New Things: The best way to break the monotony is to try new things. Why wait for a vacation to mix things up? Try new things in your city, switch up your commute, order a dish from a different country’s cuisine every week especially if you don’t bring your own food at work. Keep the energy dynamic and your spirit will thank you.

Here are the Benefits of Vacation Vibes at Work:

  1. Emotional and Psychological Health: Creating a relaxing environment at work can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
  2. Relationships and Social Interactions: A pleasant work atmosphere can enhance your relationships, providing a peaceful setting for productive time with colleagues.
  3. Physical Health: Engaging in relaxing activities and self-care routines can improve your physical health by reducing tension and promoting better sleep.
  4. Behavioral Benefits: Creating a positive environment at your workplace can encourage healthier habits, such as regular exercise and mindful eating.
  5. Professional and Financial Stability: A calm and organized work can boost your productivity and focus, leading to better performance in your career.
  6. Overall Well-being: Investing in your work environment can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life, providing a daily retreat from the stresses of the outside world.

By incorporating these ideas, you can create a vacation-like atmosphere while you are working, making every day feel a little more special and honestly, work wont feel like work anymore 🙂

Btw if you don’t know me – My name is Dimple Bindra and my path to becoming a Spiritual Coach was not just a career choice. It was a survival strategy turned into a life mission.

Plagued by childhood abuse, severe depression, and debilitating health issues, I once felt engulfed by hopelessness. Yet, the universe had other plans for me. By divine serendipity, I wandered into a yoga class that became the first step towards reclaiming my life.

Over the past 14 years, nestled in the vibrant SF Bay Area, CA, I’ve had the profound privilege of working alongside esteemed physicians, leveraging my expertise as a Yoga and Meditation Coach and Medical Intuitive.

I don’t wanna brag about myself but, I’ve been honored as the “Best Yoga Instructor” in Milpitas, California for five consecutive years from 2012 to 2017, a testament to my dedication to not just teach yoga but to spread its transformative power within tech giants like Google HealthCisco PartnersLinkedInMetaTech MahindraVMware and so many more. I have helped over 1000 professionals release trauma & get unstuck and I wanna get to know you.

If you need help in letting go of these deep rooted patterns, I invite you to – Book a FREE 30 MIN Consultation With Me

Lots of Love,
